Not a whole lot has happened this week. Justin and his family came up for the weekend and we went over to Aberdeen to see the graves and Grandma and Myrl. My favorite part of the trip was when Myrl set up his "water rocket" machine (an air compressor hooked up to a machine). Basically you take a soda bottle (liter) and fill it half-way with water. He put the bottle on the machine and turned the air on. Once he was ready he would tell the kids to pull the string and whoosh! The bottle flew up in the air...hence the term "water rocket". It was fun.
The other day I stepped on an unknown piece of metal that punctured my heel. It bled a lot (squirted, actually) so I shouldn't have worried about having any problems but it made me think. I realized that I was like, five or six the last time I got a tetanus shot. That was...long enough ago that made me think of getting a new one. I went to the Southeastern District Health Dept. yesterday and got a tetanus shot. I paid a little extra to add the protection against diptheria and whooping cough. I figure that if I work with kids (or even with my nieces and nephews) that it was worth it to get. I felt fine yesterday, but today my arm is sore and I haven't really felt 100%. Oh well...the protection is well worth the minimal pain that I have to have because of it.
Tonight Mom and Dad and I were able to go over to Jerome for Kammi's kindergarten graduation. It was really cute. They sang songs and even did a little sign language. Kammi was brilliant of

Again, thanks for coming and supporting Special K. She loves you!
That was fun doing those teddy bears. I agree, those water rockets were pretty cool.
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