Thursday, May 15, 2008

Moving, Moving, Moving

First off, I wanted to thank Jen for taking pictures for me last weekend. I really appreciate it. They were great pictures...aside from me being in them. :) Anyway, cheers Jen!
I have spent the past couple of days packing up all of my stuff to move to Mom and Dad's. I feel like I'm regressing a little bit, but I'll get over it. I will find a job in the next couple of months and hopefully move out by August or the beginning of September (once I figure out roommate situations). It's a good thing that I don't have a lot of stuff--I don't think I could handle moving like Jamie and Malorie did. Other than that, I'm just enjoying the warming weather. I'm a little worried about a potential truckers strike that is rumored to happen in June. Mom and I are supposed to go on our trip during the first part of June. Hopefully things will be okay.

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