Sunday, May 4, 2008

I need a vacation!

With graduation rapidly approaching, I find myself caring less and less about school. This is currently a very bad thing, as I have a final tomorrow and a crazy hard one on Thursday. I really don't know what to think about my life right now. For the past 23 years, my life has been mapped out for me. I started full time kindergarten at 5, college at 18 and am now finishing at 23. Now what?? If anyone has any ideas, let me know (unless they include dating, marriage or a job--the first two are nobody's business and the last is already going to happen). Anyway, I am in sore need of a vacation, but I don't know where to go. Mom and I are going to go somewhere when she gets out of school the first part of June, but I don't know where. Someone give me some ideas!!


The Mangelson Family said...

Good luck with everything- I don't envy the position you're in right now having to decide what to do now and stuff. I do kind of envy the fact that you're getting your bachelors degree, though. I think that's awesome. Now I'm the only one in the family without a bachelors. Go me! Anyway, just stick it out for the next four days. Just enjoy yourself and don't stress. Things will happen how and when they are supposed to happen.

Jen said...

Water is always calming. Bear Lake, Oregon Coast...