Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Cap and Gown, Mollusks and Zero Motivation

Today was the first day that we could go and pick up our caps and gowns. Because of my extreme paranoia, I got my cap and gown today just in case anything went wrong in my order. Luckily enough for me, it was just fine. While I was waiting, the Alumni guy loaded me down with a lot of crap (a book written by some guy who went to ISU, fingernail clipper set, a luggage tag, another book, a sticker for my car, a mousepad, and last but not least--info on donating to the Alumni association!). What this stuff has to do with ISU I have no idea. LAME!
So, I need to explain this Mollusk thing. I asked one of my coworkers why she was drinking out of two straws. She said she liked how it felt and that it made her feel like a mollusk! Um...okay. I started laughing so hard, I had to go into the back to stop. What a funny girl.
So, again, I have no motivation. My final final (yes, I did that on purpose) is tomorrow morning. Rargh. I need to study. Right now. I keep getting distracted by the smallest things...oh look-- There's a spider web under my computer desk!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Ha! You are so funny! How did your final final go?