I honestly do not know what to say about what went on with me this last week. I came back from my trip and ended up sinking into a dark pit of despair for a few days. I just feel like there isn't a lot going for me right now. Anyway, luckily enough for me I was able to jump out again...a lot of people aren't so lucky. Hopefully I'm out for good. This week I was able to go to "Get Smart" with Olivia and our other friend (and most likely my next roommate) Charlynn. It was really funny--the highlight of my week. Sheesh that's pathetic.
I knew I should have called you. In my new house we are definitely getting long distance! I am glad you are better.
I definitely want to see that movie! If I ever do, it will probably be the highlight of my week too.
The 4th is just around the corner :)
Deutsch, probably just a case of the "I actually have to get a job now" blues. I think we all have been there at one time or another. There was this period of time while I was working Child Protection when for like 18 months............ Just kidding. Everything is rewarding when you look back on it. This part of your life will be over way to soon and before you know it little ronkel pars will be running around all over the place and you will be happier than you can imagine.
Anyway, thanks for always being around to do stuff with us, we don't get out much, and are not very creative. We will miss it when you find your British Millionaire Fiance and have no time for us anymore!!! =)
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