Friday, January 30, 2009

3 things tag--another list

Okay, here we go again. One more list of things!

3 names I go by: (seriously, three? I have way more than three!)

3 jobs I have had in my life:
-KMart sales associate
-ISU Mail Center associate
-Instructional Paraprofessional (don't ask me what it means, though) :)

3 places I have lived:
-North Carolina

3 tv shows that I watch:
-The Office
-The Biggest Loser

3 places I have been:
-London (my favorite!!)
-Cambridge (tied as my favorite)
-Glacier National Park (hey, I've been to a lot of places!)

3 of my favorite foods:
-A lot of Italian (authentic and non-authentic)
-Shepherd's Pie

3 things I'm looking forward to:
-Going to bed tonight
Getting my blood work over with

I now tag anyone else who wants to do it.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Sugar is one of your favorite foods...mine too!