Kimby and Katherine are growing up so quickly. It is so fun to see them learn so much in such a short amount of time. The fact that kids learn so quickly will never cease to amaze me. It's fun to watch.

(I bought this outfit for Kimby when we went to England 2 years ago--now there's a new England fan in the mix!)

Katherine has recently discovered the "crawl to the stairs" game, where she crawls as fast as she can until someone runs after her. It's fun to watch her smile and giggle, but man is it tiring! :)
Every time I see Katherine she becomes more and more of a toddler. She likes to walk around the room (holding on, of course) and she giggles with every step she takes. What a cutie!
My last day at the mail center was last Friday. It was kind of sad to say goodbye to some of my favorite people in the world. I'm not upset though...I need to move on. I'll visit them too. It's not like I'm going anywhere. :) Here are a few pictures of my last day...

Since it was Amanda's last day as a full-time employee, we both got a cake and presents from Bob and Julie. We both got cheese (yum yum) and I got a crossword book--I've already started using it, but it's hard without Bob-o-pedia :) ) Anyway, about 5 minutes before we shut the window, I was attacked with red ink stamps. Nice. I would have been more upset (as I have in the past) if I didn't know that alcohol takes the ink off pretty easily. Luckily enough for me, we had alcohol wipes at the mail center!
You have weird friends!!! Pretty soon you will be marveling at how fast your own little ronkel pars are growing up.
Way to go Home Slice! (I commented too!)
Holy Cow need to make a new post!
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