Most of you are familiar enough with me to know that I am obsessed with the Olympics-- summer, winter, it makes no difference. I think every part of it is amazing (well, except watching the marathon--yawn!!). I have been glued to the tv during the entire 8 days it has been on--cheering on Michael Phelps, Jason Lezak, Aaron Peirsol, Ryan Lochte, Dara Torres, Misty May-Treanor and Keri Walsh, "the thin beast" (Phil Dalhausser) and Todd Rogers, Raj Bhavsar, Nastia Liukin, Shawn I could go on and on. What an amazing week!! Who could forget those
amazing photo-finishes-- the 100m butterfly...enough to make my heart stop (if I hadn't known already that he had won!). One of the best wins for the Americans had to have been the 4x100 free relay. That was an amazing comeback by Lezak!! (It also doesn't hurt that they beat out the trash-talking Frenchies!!) :) Anyway, I've definitely enjoyed the Olympics so far!

Today I took a break from the Olympics and went to Chesterfield with Jamie, Malorie, Jamison and Becky. We saw some old houses and other buildings restored to their original states. We walked a long way today and my feet are suffering from it! Anyway, I had fun. It's always fun to see how excited Jamie gets when he views any kind of historical artifact. He really is a history buff.
(the old church)

(as you can tell, this is the blacksmith's shop)

(this is a house there--it used to belong to the bishop)
I'm sure you all know by now that Michael Phelps has done what no other Olympian has ever done--8 golds in 1 Olympic Games (total gold count- 14 golds and 2 bronzes)! He set 7 world records and won in amazingly dramatic fashion. Hats off to Michael Phelps for being the best Olympian EVER!
That guy is part fish, I swear! I've loved watching the Olympics this year too! I was wondering when you'd get your traditional olympic shirt. It looks good.
I usually don't watch much of the Olympics, but this year has been so exciting. I'm just amazed at how much Michael Phelps has accomplished in the past week. And those Chinese girls are NOT 16!!
Dude, I know!! I know people get sick of me talking about it, but as long as the Chinese keep cheating I'm going to have issues with it. And knowing that legitimate gymnasts are losing to cheaters makes me ANGRY!!
I am not surprised that you are REALLY enjoying the Olympics. I remember how crazy you got during the Olympics in SLC!! Fun memories!! :-)
Your pictures of Chesterfield turned out much better than ours! That was a fun trip- though maybe we could have done without all of the walking.
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