Monday, July 14, 2008

Try it!

So...I'm copying Jen's blog here. Try it out! I had fun on Jen's! :)
Here is a fun little game... leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time or a long time, anything that you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memeory about you. It is pretty funny to read the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you are playing and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. On your mark... get set... blog those memories!


Jen said...

We have SO many memories together, it is hard to just write one...the first time meeting the family and you dressed me up as superwoman with a towel for a cape and brought me in front of EVERYONE and wanted me to go trick or treating with you. Talks on your bed during conference. Holding hands with Jeff and you breaking in between so that you could hold his were so little that I am sure you thought I was stealing Jeffy away from you. Um, what else...Halloween at my apartment, the slumber party in my small guys coming to visit me on Temple Square (warning could have been issued, I looked terrible that day). All of our AWESOME road trips...i miss those. Seeing you grow up. You becoming my sis-in-law, though it felt like we were sisters long before. The dress you wore to our looked so uncomfortable. 4th of July...every year.

The way I know that you will be at important times in my life no matter what...

I could go on...but I have a house to clean for a family reunion this weekend. See ya soon.

The Mangelson Family said...

I don't even know where to start. How do you pick from a lifetime of memories? I remember when you would get candy from the older people in the ward. I remember when you ran away during the fireworks when we lived in North Carolina. I remember going to the shops with you in Newmarket to get penny candy...mmm! I remember playing football against you and Jamie. I remember when you came to the hospital to visit me after I had Kimberley and staying in the hospital overnight with me after I had Katherine. (I know you don't like sleeping in anything other than your own bed, so that really meant a lot!) I remember when you got your little toe caught in the spokes of Jeff's (?) bike when you were little. Anyway, these are just a few memories from the past 23 years!

Kym said...

Okay, I remember we sat next to each other in Senior Choir. One Choir trip early in the school year, (maybe to Salt Lake?) you sat in the front seat on the bus, I sat in the front seat on the other side and Brenda sat behind you. The three of us hadn't really talked much, but by the end of that trip we were inseparable. We spent the remainder of that school year as the best of friends. We did everything together. I remember our lunches at the Seminary Building - those were fun times. I also remember to this day how much of a fan of the show FRIENDS you were/are - you got me hooked on that show. It is now one of my most favorite shows!! I also remember that when no one else would come with me to check out USU, you and Brenda came with me. I think we went to a little presentation thing, a BB game and then had to stop at McDonald's to ask for directions to get home!!

Kym said...

Oh, I almost forgot!!! I also remember that one year for my birthday you gave me a gas can because I had mistakenly said that my car got 35 gallons to the mile!!! I have a different car now, but I still keep that gas can in there just in case!!