I know that it has been a long time since I have had a new post. For a long time I didn't have any news, but when I did, I was too lazy to post anything. Most of the people who read my blog already know everything anyway. Oh well, here it goes...
So, everyone knows by now that I got a new car. In fact, Dad just sold my old one tonight. It's kind of sad, but nice at the same time. I drove that car for eight years and it was very good to me. Anyway, so my new car is a 2006 Kia Optima. I like it a lot, but I don't enjoy the car payments! :)

Halloween was pretty cool this year. I actually decided that I wanted to have a party (I'm not really into the whole Halloween business). I do not like to dress up, I don't like scary things, and I've just never gotten into it. This year I decided that I wanted a party because I haven't been able to fully enjoy the holidays in the past couple of years. This year is going to be a blast! :) Anyway, Kimby was a "regular doctor". What a cutie.

Katherine was a bee. I have to say, she is tied as the cutest "B" in the world. :) Hahaha.

I know that Jamie doesn't like having pictures of his kids online, so I won't post the pictures I have of J and Becky, but they were pretty darn cute themselves. Jamison was "Thomas the Train" and Becky was a fairy. Very cute.
These were mice that I created for our party. If you look closely in the middle, there is a gummy cat. A little humor for you there. :)

These are "crunchy bones". They are pretzel rods with tootsie rolls on the ends, covered in white chocolate. They turned out quite nicely, if I do say so myself.

Anyway, so...that's pretty much it. I have been substitute teaching for the past couple of weeks. Sometimes it's not so bad...other times I want to hit my head against a wall. I have always been under the impression that teachers do not get paid enough. That feeling has gotten stronger over the past couple of weeks (and I KNOW that subs don't get paid enough!!).
Oh, one more thing...this whole election business. I swear to you all, if it does not end soon I will go away until it does. I will hide in my room, cut off my access to the Internet, and stare at the wall until it's over. I'm tired of the backbiting, the complaining, the "I approve this message", Republicans AND Democrats, the economy, wars...anywhere, domestic or foreign affairs (all encompassing), Taxes, Gay Marriage, Abortion, the environment, Education, Health Care...oh, the list is never ending. Please, for my sake...do not mention the election or any form of politics around me. If you care for me at all...please?!?!?!
My name is Ashley, and I approve this message.