My mom's family had their reunion at Bear Lake this year, so Melanie, Mom, Dad and I decided to go down for a day. Melanie and I stayed in her friend's condo, which (conveniently enough) just happened to be right next door to one of the condo's that the family had rented. Melanie and the girls and I went down through Logan, so we were able to get some ice cream, go to the Pepperidge Farm place, and eat at Olive Garden. It was nice. :)
Once we went through the canyon and into the Bear Lake area (I couldn't say into Bear Lake, now could I?) we pretty much just hung out. Most of the adults (sans Melanie) went to the Pickleville Playhouse and saw "Annie Get Your Gun". I thought it was very well done and I really enjoyed it.
I didn't sleep overly well that night, and I wanted to see the sun rise over the water, so I decided to get out of bed and watch it. It was really nice. I got a TON of pictures. Melanie joined me after awhile and got some hammock chairs that Jeff (her friend) had. Katherine soon joined the fun, and we just sat in the hammock chair enjoying our morning. :)
We (Mom, Melanie, the girls and I) were leaving that afternoon, so we went the the beach a little earlier than the rest of the family. We had to walk quite a way to the beach (it was $7 to park there, and we didn't have that much cash). It wouldn't be too bad if you weren't carrying things and or kids. I think the kids had fun, though. Katherine was a little more daring than Kimby with how far out in the water she would go. We never went too far, but Katherine went farther than Kimby.
I felt bad for B. We didn't bring any beach toys for her or Katherine to play with, and she kept eyeing the toys that belonged to the kids next to us. I felt bad, so I showed her that you didn't need toys to have fun. Sooo...Kimby and I made little alligators out of the sand. The teeth consisted of rocks and shells found in the sand. I think she had fun (at least I hope).
Katherine got really sleepy while we were at the beach. She almost fell asleep on my shoulder. After that point, she was no longer interested in the water. :)
And then we had to walk back to our car...

Anyway, we left Bear Lake early that afternoon after getting Raspberry milkshakes. They were good, but seriously too much ice cream for one person (unless you're dad, I guess).
The end of part three, please scroll up and read part four. Ding.