Sunday, September 6, 2009

Back to Work!


I have been back at work for 2 weeks now. It really hasn't been too bad, just yet. I still have to do a Paraprofessional program (where I have to read a lot, do activities, and tests) before December (my 1 year mark with the School District). It seems like everyone wants a piece of me this year, and it's going to stress me out. I think that once we fall back into a routine, that things will calm down, but right now I don't know what to think of it. We'll see what happens!!

OOOOHHHH's Labor Day weekend. Yay!! I don't need to speak in church today, I don't have a lesson to give...ahhhh, pure bliss. I do, however, have to conduct in Relief Society for the first time. Hmmm... that shouldn't be too bad.

relaxing_weekend.jpg Have a relaxing weekend image by desdemonah


1 comment:

Jen said...

Happy relaxing Labor Day weekend! Don't worry, give your job a few weeks and it will be a routine in no time!