Sunday, April 26, 2009


We had an awsome time in SLC this weekend. We were able to take Friday off and go up to Park City to the outlets. I was finally able to find new shoes, and got a couple of shirts and a spring jacket. All in all, it was a productive (though expensive) trip to Park City.
After we went to Park City, we decided to stop by The London Market and the bakery. I got an eclair at the bakery, and a TON of stuff at London Market (that's shamefully almost gone, I'm afraid). We went to Red Iguana with Melanie, Spencer, Justin and Callie (and the kids, of course). The restaurant was pretty packed, but we were lucky enough to be in the back where there weren't as many people. 
After Red Iguana, we parked near the theatre and walked to Temple Square for a few minutes. I'd like to come up with a sign to put around my neck that says, "I'm a member, I don't have referrals, and I don't need a tour. " I appreciate that they are there to help, don't get me wrong (especially Jen :)), you just see too many people that you have to repeat the same thing over and over to. 
About an hour before the show started, we headed to the theatre. It was pretty crowded, but not too bad. Things were so expensive there, but I finally decided to buy a mug and a souvenir program. 

Wicked was SO awesome!! The only problem is that now I want to see it again!! Dang it! I've had the songs stuck in my head since Friday night (including in my dreams). I got a CD of the music, so I've been able to listen to the music A LOT. Some may call me crazy, but I don't care. :) Now I'm considering going to Denver this fall to see it! :) 

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My birthday and Easter

My birthday was awesome this year. It happened to be on a Saturday right before Spring break. Sweet!! I was expecting a pretty low-key birthday (Jamie and Malorie were headed to Rupert, Jeff and Jen were in Jerome, etc.). That left Melanie and the girls here to celebrate with me (which was fine, really). I am not surprised very often, but I do have to admit, they pulled it off. Jamie and Malorie decided that they were going to come over for a bit before they went to Rupert. I thought it was cool, but didn't think anything else of it. Around noon, the door opened (which was strange, because I didn't expect anyone for cake and ice cream until around two). All of a sudden, Kammi and London walked in the door. That was a shock! I think my reaction was, "What the?!?" It was pretty funny. Jamie and Malorie had to leave, but it was fun having nearly the whole family together. Thanks everyone, for making my birthday special! 

Jeff tickling the girls. I don't know why they like it--his fingers are long and bony. It hurts, but they seem to enjoy it!! 
Mom saw this in the newspaper and I had to put it on here. It is hilarious, and very fitting!! :)

I was able to go to Jerome and spend some time with Jeff, Jen, Kammi, London and Sullivan during Spring break. It was really fun. Before I left on Wednesday, Jen, London, Sullivan and I (Jeff was at work and Kammi at school) went to Twin Falls to the museum attached to the Planetarium. I would show pictures, but Jen has them all. :) Anyway, it was fun, and I was able to spend more time with them. :)

Last Sunday the kids decided to redecorate my bathroom. Benjy's kitty litter, food and water all sit in my bathroom. The kids decided to take the tupperware containers (that I use for her food and water) and scoop her kitty litter onto the floor and into my bathtub. Nice. They also destroyed my shower puff (poof? I don't know). That is the dark blue stuff that you see. Crazy kids! :)

Hunting Easter eggs was great this year. It's nice that all of the kids are guaranteed twelve eggs, instead of "You get what you get". It was Katherine's first Easter Egg hunt. Here's a picture of last year, and this year. What cuties!
Last year--
This year--

Last year--

This year--

What a difference a year makes!!

Look at that little grin! :)

After the hunt, it was time to dye eggs. Kimby had fun, even though she spilled yellow dye on the counter and Melanie. Funny stuff.