We had an awsome time in SLC this weekend. We were able to take Friday off and go up to Park City to the outlets. I was finally able to find new shoes, and got a couple of shirts and a spring jacket. All in all, it was a productive (though expensive) trip to Park City.
After we went to Park City, we decided to stop by The London Market and the bakery. I got an eclair at the bakery, and a TON of stuff at London Market (that's shamefully almost gone, I'm afraid). We went to Red Iguana with Melanie, Spencer, Justin and Callie (and the kids, of course). The restaurant was pretty packed, but we were lucky enough to be in the back where there weren't as many people.
After Red Iguana, we parked near the theatre and walked to Temple Square for a few minutes. I'd like to come up with a sign to put around my neck that says, "I'm a member, I don't have referrals, and I don't need a tour. " I appreciate that they are there to help, don't get me wrong (especially Jen :)), you just see too many people that you have to repeat the same thing over and over to.
About an hour before the show started, we headed to the theatre. It was pretty crowded, but not too bad. Things were so expensive there, but I finally decided to buy a mug and a souvenir program.